Gardening tips: a plant expert shares fragile plants to protect in winter

It can be difficult to make sure all plants survive the winter, even the UK’s most seasoned gardeners don’t know what to expect every winter. Some people may not even have the space to put all of their plants inside. One of the best ways to protect fragile plants is to prioritize them so that they receive the right protection.

According to plant expert Shannen Godwin of J. Parkers, many plants “will know that winter is coming” and they will “shed their leaves and branches” to focus on storing all the nutrients in the roots.

She said: “It’s not just about which plants to protect, but where and how to protect them.

Shannen Godwin shared a list of delicate and easy to care plants for this winter.

Three plants to handle with care

1. Fruit trees

During the winter period, fruit trees move all the nutrients and energy produced by the leaves to the roots. It is important that these nutrients are kept in a safe place so that they can stay alive until spring.

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The best way to protect them in the winter is to not feed them and let them flower on the stem.

Also, try to remove any fallen leaves from the plant to reduce the risk of disease and insect problems.

3. Agapanthus

A light gust of wind would bring down these delicate plants.

The more resistant agapanthus plants can survive the winter and be left in the ground.

To take care of your iris, look for any disease and prune the foliage so that it can fully focus on storing energy and nutrients throughout the winter.

2. Peony

Peonies are strong, tough plants that can survive long, cold winters.

The only light maintenance that peonies need for the winter is trimming the foliage.

This helps make room for new growth next spring.

3. Christmas rose

The Christmas rose can bloom as early as Christmas and continues to bloom from January to April.

It is used to the cold, dark winter months and will gladly brighten up your garden on the gloomiest winter days.

Its thick, leathery leaves are ideal for wintering with minimal maintenance.

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