These working lunch ideas are super easy to prepare and pack

Thanks to groundbreaking research by our team of experts (hello, me, lunch enthusiast), you can say goodbye to the $ 22 office salad lifestyle. I’m not even really exaggerating, as you’ll soon see in the formula below. Pick your favorite ingredients from each bucket to create the bowl-esque meal of your workday dreams – they all taste amazing together and will survive a week’s stay in the fridge. And best of all, there are even toppings on this handy list of work lunch ideas if you’re in the mood. Let me start with what I’m eating tomorrow: a little combo of pasta + zucchini + feta + capers + pesto + dill (plagiarism absolutely allowed).

1. Choose one of these

For the base of the bowl, you should opt for cereals or green vegetables. That (along with the next step) will be what will keep you full until at least the afternoon snack time.

        • quinoa
        • Pasta
        • Rice
        • All hearty green (kale, collard greens, etc.)

          2. Add two

          Ideally, you have some protein as part of your energy lunch. Don’t eat meat? That’s why mozzarella is a thing.

          • Pre-cooked chicken sausage with apples
          • Small mozz balls
          • Your favorite large vegetable, such as zucchini or beefsteak tomatoes
          • Roasted sweet potato
          • Whatever the fruit of the season rn
          • feta cheese

            3. Add two or three funny things

            And now come all the sauces and flavor boosters. As you know, hot sauce is always essential to have on hand. Plus, you can never go wrong with grated cheese.

            • capers
            • Grated parma
            • Pesto
            • Canned Artichoke Hearts
            • Lemon juice
            • Hummus
            • Ranch
            • Hot sauce
            • EVOO

              4. Choose one or two toppings

              To top the cake on this not-so-sad office lunch, you need a little sprig or a pinch of something, be it mint, basil, or hemp hearts (which, a little secret, are an A + source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids). Or if you just need a crunch to go with your pasta, toasted pine nuts or crushed walnuts are the way to go.

              • mint
              • dill
              • Basil
              • Grilled pine nuts
              • Hemp hearts
              • crushed nuts

                5. Transport the goods

                Part of the reason you forgot to pack your working lunches may be because you had to take out your ugliest plastic containers. Shop our picks of really cute (and eco-friendly!) Ways to take your lunch to the office.

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